Image Courtesy of CCBC | Scale: 8500 SF | Time: 2019 | Location: New York, U.S.A. | Property Owner: CCBC
As a special dedication to CCBC’s 60th anniversary, this project envisions the church to grow and become more sustainable in the years to come. The project is conceived based on two major themes: 1st, CCBC as a family church; 2nd, CCBC’s vision to urge the members to “Carry the Cross Together”. After a thorough study of the existing church needs and building conditions, the 1st theme is achieved by adding two flexible pastor apartments on top of the existing church building. The 2nd theme is materialized by the façade treatment with the new cross element on the building top. In addition to accommodating the pastors’ families, the two apartments provide flexible layouts for different uses. They become the church’s additional spaces for missionary programs: such as fellowships , Bible study and outreach hosting.